News and Insights

Best Time To Transfer A DB pension
December 2, 2022When is the best time to transfer a defined benefit pension? We’ve created a timeline to show how long transferring a defined benefit pension (or final salary transfer) takes to complete. It will help you decide the best time to...

Should I invest in small cap or large cap stocks?
January 28, 2022Should I invest in small cap or large cap stocks? If you’re building your investment portfolio, you will research various companies with a market cap. One common argument is that small cap stocks offer higher returns than large caps because...

Do women get less from their pensions than men?
January 14, 2022This content is for information and educational purposes only. It should not be taken as financial advice or investment advice. To receive tailored, regulated financial advice regarding your affairs please consult us here at Hanson Financial Services (financial advice in...

How to protect from higher rate tax
January 7, 2022This content is for information and educational purposes only. It should not be taken as financial advice or investment advice. To receive tailored, regulated financial advice regarding your affairs please consult us here at Hanson Financial Services (financial advice in...